I have a PHP form that passes the data by POST method to the same page (since the action is the default).
When a user enters a data incorrectly, for example, his password, this is registered in the database, the problem is when he refresh the page (Reload current page control + r in firefox). (That does not F5, that recharges it in an 'entire' way.)
Well, when I reload the page in this way, the entered data is re-entered.
I imagine that it is because in the url internally the data is passing such that: Página.php?User="Yoquesé"&password="Ejemplo"
then when relogging the page returns to send that data. How can I clean that 'url' once the data has been sent?
It occurs to me to pass the data by variables and not by $ _POST and once sent leave the empty variables, but is there any other alternative?
I edit with the code, as you said:
Login.php With their respective forms, and so on.
include 'Sharkiquerys/SharkiQuerys.php';
$Query = new SharkiQuerys();
if(isset($_POST['user']) && strlen($_POST['user'])>0 &&
isset($_POST['password']) && strlen($_POST['password'])>0){
$Query->Iniciar_sesion($_POST['user'], $_POST['password']);
And here would be the Start session method of the class that I rode.
public function Iniciar_sesion($usuario, $password){
if(password_verify($password, $this->Consulta("SELECT PASSWORD FROM registro WHERE USER =:usuario", array(':usuario' => $usuario))->fetchColumn())){
$_SESSION['user'] = $this->Consulta("SELECT USER FROM registro WHERE USER = :usuario", array(':usuario' => $usuario))->fetchColumn();
# Si los datos introducidos son correctos.
# Si la contraseña es incorrecta.
}else{ $this->Alerta('Contraseña y/o usuario incorrecto.', 'red');}