I want to do a search by cedula, and if it is found that I reton to an edit but if it is not found that I return the value to a register but it does not return anything to me
This is where I do the search
< form action="" method="POST">
< label>Cedula</label>
< input text="number" id="cedula" name="cedula" placeholder="Introduzca su Cedula ej: 12345678 o 01234567" pattern="[0-9]{8}" maxlength="8" class="form-control" required>
< input type="hidden" name="enviar" value="si">
< input type="submit" value="Buscar" class="btn btn-info">
< /form>
The controller
$obj = new busqueda();
if (isset($_POST['enviar']))
$value= $obj->busquedaexp();
and here the model
class busqueda
private $conex;
function __construct()
$this->conex = new conexion();
function busquedaexp()
$sql = "SELECT id_exp, cedula, nombre, apellido, telefono, descripcion, direccion, fecha_nac, sexo, id_parroquia FROM 'expediente' WHERE cedula = ?";
$value = $obj->fetch();
if ($value) {
return $value;
else {
header('Location: vistaregistrarpersona.php');
If I put a vardump if it shows the data when the cedula exists but when it does not show me an array (size = 0) empty