I'm working on a graphic of the Timeline type with the google charts API but I depend on a script that creates a new table ("new_tbl") but I do not want to depend on the creation of this one since I have to do it manually every time I want update chart data:
This is the script and later query:
SELECT A.id, A.codigo_maquina, A.estado, A.fecha_hora,
@csum := @csum +
IF(A.codigo_maquina = A.prevMachine
, IF(A.estado = A.prevStatus, 0, A.id
, A.id
) rwGroup
SELECT mch.id, mch.codigo_maquina, mch.estado, mch.fecha_hora
, @prevStatus prevStatus
, @prevStatus := mch.estado varPrevStatus
, @prevObsTime prevObsTime
, @prevObsTime := mch.fecha_hora varPrevObsTime
, @prevMachine prevMachine
, @prevMachine := mch.codigo_maquina varPrevMachine
FROM (SELECT @prevStatus := NULL, @prevObsTime := NULL, @prevMachine := NULL) AS dummy
CROSS JOIN maquina mch
ORDER BY mch.codigo_maquina
, mch.fecha_hora
, mch.estado ) AS A
CROSS JOIN (SELECT @csum := 0) AS dummy
GROUP BY A.id, A.codigo_maquina, A.estado, A.fecha_hora;
SELECT id, codigo_maquina, estado, MIN(fecha_hora), MAX(fecha_hora)
FROM new_tbl
GROUP BY codigo_maquina, estado, rwGroup
ORDER BY codigo_maquina, rwGroup;
This returns the following JSON object:
"cols": [{
"label": "Codigo Maquina",
"type": "string",
"id": "Role"
}, {
"label": "Estado",
"type": "string",
"id": "Name"
}, {
"label": "Hora_Inicio",
"type": "datetime",
"id": "Start"
}, {
"label": "Hora_Fin",
"type": "datetime",
"id": "End"
"rows": [{
"c": [{
"v": "Maquina 1"
}, {
"v": "Fuera de Linea"
}, {
"v": "Date(2018, 05, 03, 08, 34, 47)"
}, {
"v": "Date(2018, 05, 03, 19, 24, 01)"
The graphic looks good, but I depend on executing the query manually ..
Can I format a new json object in the same way but with php code? or is it better to create a stored procedure in mysql?
Beforehand, thank you very much for your help