I have the following problem. I'm trying to graph the X and Y coordinate system. I use a QGraphicsItem. This graphicsitem has the upper coordinate X and Y ... as I move to the right, the X grows and to the left the X decreases, as is normal in the coordinate system. Now ... my problem is the Y axis ... as I go down it GROWS and should DECRECE and when I go up it DECRECES when in the coordinate system it should GROW. It is understood? ... I leave the definition of the code that I have ... it is a portion ... I hope you understand the problem.
QPointF centralPoint = QPointF(0, 0);
farmGraph = new FarmGraph(_size, centralPoint);
And the FarmGraph class, in its boundingRect, which is the important thing in the definition, is the following:
QRectF FarmGraph::boundingRect() const
return QRectF(_centralPoint.x() - (_size/2),
_centralPoint.y() - (_size/2),
I mean ... it's like I have to "mirror" on the Y coordinate so I can plot curves accordingly.