Warning: mysqli_fetch_array () expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in line 34


I make a module where you can filter the records by different fields Control No. id_Control , Company Type idctg_empresa and by Shift idctg_turno . In my DB is designed so that in my table trabajador have foreign keys of other tables is composed of the following data:

id_puesto     FK
id_area       FK
idctg_turno   FK
idctg_empresa FK
id_nomina     FK

My problem is the following it shows me the data correctly that are in my BD

	require_once ("../config/conexion.php");

	if($action == 'ajax'){
         $q = mysqli_real_escape_string($con,(strip_tags($_REQUEST['q'], ENT_QUOTES)));
		  $sTable = "trabajador t";
		  $sTable1 = "puesto P";
		  $sTable2 = "area a";
		  $sTable3 = "ctg_turno tu";
		  $sTable4 = "empresa e";
		  $sTable5 = "nomina n";
		 $sWhere = "";
		 $sWhere.="WHERE t.id_Control<=1000";
		if ( $_GET['q'] != "" )
		$sWhere.= " and tu.descripcion  like '$q' or e.descripcion_empresa  like '$q' or  t.t.id_Control like '$q' or  a.descripcion_area like '$q'   ";
		//$sWhere.=" order by id_Control asc";
		include 'pagination.php'; //include pagination file
		//pagination variables
		$page = (isset($_REQUEST['page']) && !empty($_REQUEST['page']))?$_REQUEST['page']:1;
		$per_page = 10; //how much records you want to show
		$adjacents  = 4; //gap between pages after number of adjacents
		$offset = ($page - 1) * $per_page;
		//Count the total number of row in your table*/
		$count_query   = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT count(*) AS numrows FROM $sTable  $sWhere");
		$row= mysqli_fetch_array($count_query);
		$numrows = $row['numrows'];
		$total_pages = ceil($numrows/$per_page);
		$reload = './buscar.php';
		//main query to fetch the data
		$sql="SELECT t.id_Control, t.nombre, t.ap_paterno, t.ap_materno, t.NSS, t.CURP, t.RFC, t.fecha_nac, p.descripcion_puesto, a.descripcion_area, tu.descripcion, e.descripcion_empresa, n.descripcion_nomina 
		FROM $sTable
		INNER JOIN  $sTable1 ON t.id_puesto = p.id_puesto
		INNER JOIN $sTable2 ON t.id_area = a.id_area 
		INNER JOIN $sTable3  ON t.idctg_turno = tu.idctg_turno 
		INNER JOIN $sTable4 ON t.idctg_empresa = e.idctg_empresa 
		INNER JOIN $sTable5 ON t.id_nomina = n.id_nomina $sWhere LIMIT $offset,$per_page";

		//$sql="SELECT * FROM  $sTable $sWhere LIMIT $offset,$per_page";
		$query = mysqli_query($con, $sql);
		//loop through fetched data
		if ($numrows>0){
			echo mysqli_error($con);
			<div class="table-responsive ">
			  <table class="table table-hover" style="border-color: #337ab7;">
				<tr style="color: #fff; background-color: #337ab7; border-color: #337ab7;">
					<th>No. Control</th>
					<th>Apellido Paterno</th>
					<th>Apellido Materno</th>
					<th>Fecha Nacimiento</th>
				while ($row=mysqli_fetch_array($query)){
						<td><?php echo utf8_encode($id_Control); ?></td>
						<td><?php echo utf8_encode($nombre);?></td>
						<td><?php echo utf8_encode($ap_paterno);?></td>
						<td><?php echo utf8_encode($ap_materno);?></td>
						<td><?php echo utf8_encode($NSS);?></td>
						<td><?php echo utf8_encode($CURP);?></td>
						<td><?php echo utf8_encode($RFC);?></td>
						<td><?php echo utf8_encode($fecha_nac);?></td>
						<td><?php echo utf8_encode($id_puesto);?></td>
						<td><?php echo utf8_encode($id_area);?></td>
						<td><?php echo utf8_encode($idctg_turno);?></td>
						<td><?php echo utf8_encode($idctg_empresa); ?></td>	
						<td><?php echo utf8_encode($id_nomina); ?></td>	
					<td colspan=7><span class="pull-right"><?
					 echo paginate($reload, $page, $total_pages, $adjacents);

without doing the inner JOIN search for me the registers by the parameters that I ask, but when doing the Inner Join it already shows me the descriptions of the tables but it marks me the following error:


Warning: mysqli_fetch_array () expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result,   boolean given in C: \ xampp \ htdocs \ views \ ajax \ user_search.php on   line 34

asked by Carlos 03.05.2018 в 00:08

0 answers