Good morning,
In the following PHP code I send two emails, I only leave the part of the shipment since the upper part where the variables are declared I have everything right,
First shipment:
I must send it to a @, which is always the same one it arrives at without problems
Second shipment:
the problem is the second shipment which the user typed his email, comes as spam either to gmail or hotmail, I tested a @ which said account is in cPanel with Hostgator and if it arrives well , in short, it's a hotmail or gmail
// from here to above I declared variables according to certain things
// FIRST SEND, works fine
$para='[email protected]';
$titulo = 'Nueva solicitud de revision tecnica '.$nuevo_id;
$mensaje = 'Se ha recibido una nueva solicitud de instalacion de gas, numero : '.$nuevo_id."\r\n"."\r\n".
'Nombre: '.$nombre."\r\n".
'Celular: '.$celular."\r\n".
'Direccion: '.$direccion."\r\n".
'Comentarios: '.$comentarios."\r\n".
'e-mail: '.$correo."\r\n"."\r\n".
'DATOS ADJUNTOS:'."\r\n"."\r\n".
'Foto1: '.$ruta_final_foto1."\r\n"."\r\n".
'Foto2: '.$ruta_final_foto2."\r\n"."\r\n";
$cabeceras = 'From: [email protected]' . "\r\n" .
'Reply-To: '.$correo . "\r\n" .
'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion();
mail($para, $titulo, $mensaje, $cabeceras);
// SECOND SHIPMENT, ARRIVE AS SPAM TO GMAIL OR HOTMAIL, I tried a different one working on cPanel with Hostgator and if it arrives well
$para2 = $correo;
$titulo2 = 'Confirmacion solicitud tecnica numero '.$nuevo_id;
$mensaje2 = 'Has realizado una solicitud de revision tecnica de gas para su hogar, con numero : '.$nuevo_id."\r\n"."\r\n".
'Le estaremos contactando al numero proporcionado: '.$celular."\r\n".
'Gracias por usar nuestros servicios'."\r\n".
$cabeceras2 = 'From: [email protected]' . "\r\n" .
'Reply-To: [email protected]'. "\r\n" .
'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion();
mail($para2, $titulo2, $mensaje2, $cabeceras2);