First of all I do not have much knowledge about MySQL, nor databases in general, so I regret the inconvenience that may cause.
I have a database with two tables, registered, and product, registered has attributes such as ID (primary key), the registered user, your password and your email, on the other hand the product table has another ID attribute (primary key) ), the name of the product, the price and a brief description of it.
What interests me is having an intermediate table where you can store ONLY, the username and the respective price.
Such that:
Juan 200
Pablo 129
Juan 19
Raquel 15
That is, a name can appear repeatedly.
Now, what would you need in the middle table, and with what could you relate it? This is the main problem.
Finally, if in the intermediate table I would like to enter data using PHP PDO, it would be as simple as sending a query that makes an insert into that table, right?
Thanks for your answers.