What I want is that by clicking on the button, being white, turning green, and then re-clicking it, putting it as before, and so on
IN Visual Basic
What I want is that by clicking on the button, being white, turning green, and then re-clicking it, putting it as before, and so on
IN Visual Basic
If you only want to make a color change of a button simulating a toggle
You can use Select Case
to validate the current color of the color and change it with the event Click()
You can use the BackColor properties of the button with RGB colors and access colors from the following list Access Colors
I have an example here of how you could implement your button
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
'''Evento de Click
'''Selecciona la expression que deseas buscar
Select Case CommandButton1.BackColor
'' En caso que tenga este Backcolor (16775416) cambialo por verde (4231485)
Case 16775416
Col = 4231485
'''Se deja color (16775416) como default
Case Else
Col = 16775416
End Select
CommandButton1.BackColor = Col
End Sub
Here is also an example of a Toggle where you can simply use an IF in the Click event of the Toggle
Private Sub CheckBox()
''' Color por default de la propiedad BackColor
CheckBox1.BackColor = RGB(240, 255, 240)
''Si se activa el toggle cambia de color
If CheckBox1.Value = True Then
CheckBox1.BackColor = RGB(255, 255, 255)
End If
End Sub
You could also try to specify more your question What kind of buttons are you talking about?
This I did in Excel