How to pass the data from my TextViews from one RecyclerView to another activity?


I have an application with a recyclerview made with cardviews, and inside the cardview I have a textview where I store the likes that I give to each pet. The problem is that I can not get the connection between the adapter class and the class in which I receive the data.


I have a button inside a toolbar, that when I have only implemented the intent without "putExtra" it works and it takes me to the next activity, but as soon as I try to pass data I have an error, so the application falls as soon as I click on said button. How can I pass the information of the likes of my textview that I have inside the cardview when I click on the button that is in the toolbar? Will I have to create another different adapter for the next activity? To not put as much code I put the most important in which you may have the problem.

These are the methods that I implement within the onCreate of my MainActivity class:

     public void inicializarLista(){

        mascotasList = new ArrayList<Mascotas>();

        mascotasList.add(new Mascotas(R.drawable.loro,"Coti el loro"));
        mascotasList.add(new Mascotas(R.drawable.hamster,"El Ghamster"));
        mascotasList.add(new Mascotas(R.drawable.tortuga,"Turtle Ninja"));
        mascotasList.add(new Mascotas(R.drawable.perro,"Mochi"));
        mascotasList.add(new Mascotas(R.drawable.conejo,"Bonny"));

     public MascotasAdapter adapter;
     public void inicializarAdaptador(){
        adapter = new MascotasAdapter(this, mascotasList);

    public void cliclearBoton(){
        ImageButton favoritas = findViewById(;

        favoritas.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(View v) {
                TextView cantLikes = findViewById(;
                String dlikes = cantLikes.getText().toString();
                Intent i = new Intent(MainActivity.this, MascotasFavoritas.class);
                i.putExtra("loslikes", dlikes);

This is my onBindViewHolder method of the MascotaAdapter class:

    public void onBindViewHolder(final MascotasViewHolder mascotasHolder, final int position) {

        final Mascotas mascotasList = mascotas.get(position);


        mascotasHolder.ibDarLike.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(View v) {
                Snackbar.make(v,"Diste like a "+ mascotasList.getNombre(),Snackbar.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
                int plusLike = Integer.parseInt(mascotasHolder.textCantidadLikes.getText().toString());
                mascotasHolder.textCantidadLikes.setText(String.valueOf(plusLike + 1));

And these are the methods that I have within the onCreate of the receiving class PetsFavorites:

 void inicializarFavoritas(){
        favoritasList = new ArrayList<Mascotas>();

        favoritasList.add(new Mascotas(R.drawable.perro,"Mochi"));
        favoritasList.add(new Mascotas(R.drawable.conejo,"Bonny"));
        favoritasList.add(new Mascotas(R.drawable.loro,"Coti el loro"));
        favoritasList.add(new Mascotas(R.drawable.hamster,"El Ghamster"));
        favoritasList.add(new Mascotas(R.drawable.tortuga,"Turtle Ninja"));


    public MascotasAdapter adapter;
    public void inicializarAdaptador(){
        adapter = new MascotasAdapter(this, favoritasList);
    public void recibirLikes(){
        TextView receptorLikes = findViewById(;
        Bundle parametros = this.getIntent().getExtras();
        String datoLike = parametros.getString("loslikes");
asked by Moon Dragon 25.04.2018 в 15:03

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