Denied permissions when using adb command


I am trying to execute an application that asks me to own my equipment and for that it gives me the following tips

(SER ROOT) === > I am.

and then says:


First, create a file device_owner.xml with following content:


I ALREADY DID THIS FILE, I do not put it to avoid confusion


Now do the   following steps


adb push device_owner.xml / sdcard /


adb shell




cp /sdcard/device_owner.xml / data / system /


cd / data / system /


chown system: system device_owner.xml



Comment works all the way to cp /sdcard/device_owner.xml / data / system / he tells me denied permits

and I do not know why if you have all the permissions granted the folders.

If you can help me, thank you very much

asked by YANINA 26.04.2018 в 22:08

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