I've been working on an sql query that I want to replicate in Laravel 5.5 with eloquent, but I can not get it to work. I explain, this is my query in SQL:
SELECT empresas.companyname_cny, empresas.ruc_cny, municipios.municipality_mty, ciudads.city_cty, negocios.giro_detalle, empresas.address_cny, empresas.phone_cny, empresas.email_cny, empresas.id, tpoders.id FROM empresas INNER JOIN municipios ON empresas.municipalityid_cny = municipios.id INNER JOIN ciudads ON empresas.cityid_cny = ciudads.id INNER JOIN negocios ON empresas.gnegocio_id = negocios.id INNER JOIN tpoders ON tpoders.empresa_id = empresas.id GROUP BY empresas.companyname_cny
and my result is how I expect it:
But when doing it in laravel 5.5:
$dem = DB::table('empresas') ->select( 'empresas.companyname_cny', 'tpoders.id', 'empresas.id', 'empresas.companyname_cny', 'negocios.giro_detalle', 'empresas.phone_cny', 'empresas.email_cny', 'ciudads.city_cty' ) ->join('ciudads', 'empresas.cityid_cny','=','ciudads.id') ->join('negocios','empresas.gnegocio_id','=','negocios.id') ->join('tpoders','tpoders.empresa_id','=','empresas.id') ->distinct()->get(['empresas.companyname_cny']);
The result he gives me is the following:
The Company column repeats. I want to avoid that. Sure it's something simple, but I spent the day looking for a solution and I could not find it. Thank you very much for your time.