fsolve within two loops (Matlab)


I am trying to solve a system of non-linear equations in matlab. At first I tried with the solve and it did not work out. Now I'm trying with fsolve and it gives me incoherent results, in addition to stop in the second iteration. I pass the code, (basically it is the speed of regression along the length and time of a rocket):

%% parámetros

a = 2.07E-05; n = 0.75; m = 0.2; rho_O2 = 1180; L = 1: 30; mox = 0.030259;

%% initial variables

D0 (1: length (L)) = 0.01; x = (1: length (L)) 1E-2; mox0 (1: length (L)) = 0; for i = 1: length (L)     A0 (i) = pi (D0 (i) / 2) ^ 2;     S0 (i) = pi * D0 (i) * x (i);     r0 (i) = 0;     mf0 (i) = r0 (i) * S0 (i) * rho_O2;     mT0 (i) = mf0 (i) + mox0 (i);     rhoV0 (i) = mT0 (i) / A0 (i);     OF0 (i) = mox0 (i) / mf0 (i); end     D (1,:) = D0 ';     A (1,:) = A0 ';     S (1,:) = S0 ';     r (1,:) = r0 ';     mf (1,:) = mf0 ';     mT (1,:) = mT0 ';     rhoV (1,:) = rhoV0 ';     OF (1,:) = OF0 ';

%% regression

x0 = [r0 mf0 mT0 rhoV0] for t = 2: 20     for i = 1: length (L)         D (t, i) = D (t-1, i) + 2 * r (t-1, i);         A (t, i) = pi * (D (t, i) / 2) ^ 2;         S (t, i) = pi * D (t, i). * X (i);         xx = [r mf mT rhoV];         F = @ (xx) [xx (1) - ((a / (x (i) ^ m)) * xx (4) ^ n);             xx (2) - (xx (1) * S (t, i) * rho_O2);             xx (3) - (xx (2) + mox);             xx (2) - (xx (3) / A (t, i))];         options = optimset ('TolX', 1e-8);         [xx, exitflag] = fsolve (F, x0, options);

I raised the tolerance to see if this worked. Thanks in advance.

asked by Nabil Iben Sobih Vázquez 28.04.2018 в 11:51

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