Help with Perl script


I would need help with a script that I do not quite understand how it works and that I think it would have to be adapted to run it in Windows (my operating system).

The script is as follows:

use strict;

# This code is open-source as defined by the GPL, 2002
# by Willie Northway -
# $Id:,v 1.8 2003/04/15 14:08:45 willn Exp $ 
# Note: I've noticed some problems in Mac OS X when trying to read
# the pdf from a UFS drive. It reports "Macintosh system error
# (-39)" This is a eofErr - End of File Error. These seem to be readable
# from an HFS+ partition though.

my ($path) = shift;
my (@Data, @Temp);
my ($entry, $file, $line, $query, $grabbed, $data, $datafile, $name);
my ($debug) = 0;

if ($path) { $data = $path; } 
$data = "./data/";
$datafile = 1;

if (opendir (DIR, $data))
if ($datafile)  #read individual data files
    foreach $entry (sort (readdir (DIR)))
        $file = $data.$entry;

        if (( $entry =~ /^\./ ) || ( $entry =~ /^Desktop D\w/ )) { ; }
        elsif ($datafile)
            if (open (INDATA, "$file"))
                @Data = <INDATA>;
                close (INDATA);
                chomp (@Data);

                $query = ProcessAlbum( $entry, 1, @Data );

                if (!$debug) { '$query'; }
                else { print "Q: $query\n\n"; }
            else { print "Couldn't open data file: $file, $!\n"; }

  else          #read from CD directory
    foreach $entry (sort (readdir (DIR)))
        if (( $entry =~ /^\./ ) || ( $entry =~ /^Desktop D\w/ )) { ; }
        elsif (-d $data.$entry) 
            if (opendir (DIR2, $data.$entry))
                foreach $name (sort (readdir (DIR2)))
                { if ( $name !~ /^\./ ) { push (@Data, "$entry - $name");        } }
                close( DIR2 );
            $entry =~ s/'//;
            $entry =~ s/\.aiff$//;
            push (@Data, $entry);

    @Temp = split /\//, $data;
    while (!$data && $#Temp) { $data = pop (@Temp); }

    $data =~ s/^.*\/([^\/]+)\/?$/$1/;
    $query = ProcessAlbum( $data, 0, @Data );

    if (!$debug) { '$query'; }
    else { print "Q: $query\n\n"; }

   else { print "Couldn't open data directory: $!\n"; }

   sub Numerically { $a <=> $b; }

  sub ProcessAlbum
my ($title, $fromfile, @Tracks) = @_;
my ($request, $line_num) = 0;

$title =~ s/ /_/g;

$request = "wget '".

if ( !$fromfile ) { @Tracks = sort Numerically( @Tracks ); }
foreach $line ( @Tracks )
    $line = CleanName ($line);
    $request .= "&track".$line_num."=$line";
$request .= "&template=jewel&size=letter&lang=western".
"&submit.x=0&submit.y=0' --output-document=$title.pdf";

print "\nREQ: $request\n\n";
return $request;

sub CleanName
my ($line) = @_;

$line =~ s/\+/%2B/g;
$line =~ s/ /+/g;
$line =~ s/&/%26/g;
$line =~ s/'/%27/g;
$line =~ s/#/%23/g;

return $line;
asked by Moises 19.04.2018 в 21:44

1 answer


I have made a couple of modifications to the script and at least I have managed to make it work, although badly. Note: You must have the wget.exe application in the PATH variable

To these two lines I have removed the apostrophe and to the second I have substituted $ title.pdf for papercdcase.pdf:

Original: $ request="wget ' link ". "& submit.x = 0 & submit.y = 0 '--output-document = $ title.pdf";

Modified: $ request="wget link ". "& submit.x = 0 & submit.y = 0 --output-document = papercdcase.pdf";

I suppose that the program waits as an argument the path of a directory, although this is not clear to me. From the command line at the command prompt run: "% USERPROFILE% \ Music \ Ennio Morricone \ A Fistful Of Dollars"

This creates a PDF (of covers) as intended, but it looks bad. Also the directory seems that it can not have subdirectories.

answered by 21.04.2018 в 16:27