Inner join and left Join in Access


I have a problem with a query in access , I want to include a join and a left and the error that appears when saving the query of access gives me the following < strong> error :


"Expresion Join is not supported"

This is my query:

doc.c_numeoc AS "N° OC",
n_totimp AS Precio,
doc.c_desprd AS Descripcion_Equipo,
e.c_nserie AS Serie_Equipo,
c_cfabri AS Marca_Caja,
c_cmodel AS Modelo_Caja,
c_canofab AS Año_Fab_Caja,
c_mcamaq AS Marca_Maquina,
c_cmodel AS Modelo_Maquina,
c_codsit AS Estado_Contable,
c_codsitalm AS Estado_Almacen
   (((invequipo e
   INNER JOIN invmae i ON e.c_codprd=i.IN_CODI)
   LEFT JOIN detaoc doc ON e.c_nserie = doc.c_nroserie)
   INNER JOIN cabeoc coc ON coc.c_numeoc=doc.c_numeoc)
asked by Vanesa Claros 30.04.2018 в 18:53

1 answer


The error is that you never make the FROM to the first table from then on you should go using the INNER JOIN .

The query would look like this:

doc.c_numeoc AS "N° OC",
n_totimp AS Precio,
doc.c_desprd AS Descripcion_Equipo,
e.c_nserie AS Serie_Equipo,
c_cfabri AS Marca_Caja,
c_cmodel AS Modelo_Caja,
c_canofab AS Año_Fab_Caja,
c_mcamaq AS Marca_Maquina,
c_cmodel AS Modelo_Maquina,
c_codsit AS Estado_Contable,
c_codsitalm AS Estado_Almacen
  ((invequipo e
  INNER JOIN invmae i 
  ON e.c_codprd=i.IN_CODI)
  LEFT JOIN detaoc doc 
 ON e.c_nserie = doc.c_nroserie)
  INNER JOIN cabeoc coc ON coc.c_numeoc=doc.c_numeoc;
answered by 30.04.2018 в 19:10