I have a problem updating my MySQL DB with a ResultSet. Current source attachment.
public void insertaTabla(Object[] empleados) throws SQLException{
modelo.insertRow(modelo.getRowCount(), empleados);
int ultimaFila = modelo.getRowCount() - 1;
Object idEmp = modelo.getValueAt(ultimaFila, 0);
Object nombre = modelo.getValueAt(ultimaFila, 1);
Object apellido = modelo.getValueAt(ultimaFila, 2);
Object feAlta = modelo.getValueAt(ultimaFila, 3);
Object sueldo = modelo.getValueAt(ultimaFila, 4);
Object totalVentas = modelo.getValueAt(ultimaFila, 5);
Object idDep = modelo.getValueAt(ultimaFila, 6);
rs.updateObject("idEmp", idEmp);
rs.updateObject("nombre", nombre);
rs.updateObject("apellido", apellido);
rs.updateObject("feAlta", feAlta);
rs.updateObject("sueldo", sueldo);
rs.updateObject("totalVentas", totalVentas);
rs.updateObject("idDep", idDep);
This is the code that I inserted in the JTable, and from this I have to update my database, but it returns a null pointer in this line rs.updateObject ("idEmp", idEmp);
I have the ResultSet defined as a class attribute and then I use it to fill the JTable. The values are received from the array of Object that is passed to the method by employees and does not arrive empty, I have already checked it. I have to clarify, I'm not too sure about doing this with ResultSet (I do not have much experience with this) but I have to do it that way.
greetings and thanks in advance