Hello friends I have a problem with vuex .. the goal is to load and paint the data of some companies that come for an API And when I clicked, I went to another page and the information could be edited in a form, all built in vuex as well. - The part of loading and painting the data is no problem (1). I made it by creating a store and storing the data in it, then I call a computed property and I paint it (2) (3) (4)
- By clicking on charge the array profile Company that is in the store passing the index obtained in the vfor (5)
- The problem lies in that I want to access the store to download that data from the ProfileArray and load it in the form to be edited but it does not show me
nothing, I'm sorry that this is in another file.
- The code of the page of the form is this (6) (7) and this is the result of the console.log where it shows me that there is nothing in the store.
NOTE: I work on an Admillte template.
Thank you in advance for the information