git merge does not update


I would like to know what is the flow to update a branch to develop , since I am having problems.

From the branch develop I made:

git checkout -b feature/test

I made the changes in the feature/test branch and then I made commit and push to feature/test .

As time passed, the branch develop was updated then to update my branch I made:

git checkout develop
git pull
git checkout feature/test
git merge develop

And here my problem started since when doing the git status these files of develop were put in the list to be commiteed and when I did git add , commit and push; when I get into github and make a comparison between develop and feature/test it turns out that the initial change appears in the feature/test , that is, the file when merge detects a change in the file that does not correspond with develop .
Then in github appears in my branch the changes mixed with the supposed update to develop .

asked by Minniek 20.04.2018 в 18:20

1 answer


Assuming you have the branch created develop :

  • git checkout -b feature/test to create the new branch feature/test
  • git commit -a -m "nueva branch" to commit the new changes in your new branch.
  • git push
  • git checkout develop go back to your branch develop
  • git merge feature/test copies in your branch develop changes in the other branch.
  • git push and already with this you should have the changes applied to your branch develop .
  • More info in Git .

    answered by 20.04.2018 в 19:14