I am modifying an API service in Django Rest Framework and I have an error to check if there is a field in the JSON sent by the client.
I have a Comments ViewSet that can be associated to a product or a look, so, in the create()
of the service I want to check if the field exists producto
create a comment associated with the product and if you do not believe it associated with a look.
My code right now is this:
def create(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
perfil = Perfil.objects.get(usuario=request.user)
if request.data['producto']:
comentario = Comentario.objects.create(perfil= perfil,comentario=request.data['comentario'],ip=obtener_ip(request),
elif request.data['look']:
comentario = Comentario.objects.create(perfil= perfil,comentario=request.data['comentario'],ip=obtener_ip(request),
serializer = ComentarioSerializer(instance=comentario)
headers = self.get_success_headers(serializer.data)
return Response(serializer.data, status=status.HTTP_201_CREATED, headers=headers)
The JSON that I need to send is this:
For products:
{ producto: 1, comentario: "prueba comentario" }
For look:
{ look: 3, comentario: "prueba comentario"}