I'm starting in this MVC , I had already done a few things in C#
, VB.Net
and well I still qualify as a rookie just 3 weeks with the MVC . Well, my question is this, I am currently developing a website with MVC where I have two controllers, the first is ProyectosController
and the second TipoProyectosController
I use it to handle the data in the table "Projects" which has a relation with another table called "TypeProjects" and as it is to be assumed in the TipoProyectosController
I manipulate the table "TipoPoyectos" and what I want to do is fill dropdownlist
with the data I get in TipoProyectosController
and then with JQuery
I pass the value
corresponding field of the view to insert it in the table "Projects" .
I currently occupy WEBs-API where I get the data with the following code for both "Projects" and for "TypeProjects":
public ActionResult TiposDeProyectos()
IEnumerable<TipoProyectosModel> TiposProyectosLista;
HttpResponseMessage response = GlobalVariables.WebApiClient.GetAsync("TipoProyectos").Result;
TiposProyectosLista = response.Content.ReadAsAsync<IEnumerable<TipoProyectosModel>>().Result;
return View(TiposProyectosLista);