I'm doing the deploy of my ruby on rails application. and it throws me the following error
SSHKit :: Runner :: ExecuteError: Exception while executing as [email protected]: fingerprint d1: 81: 65: 57: 08: 9f: c5: 5b does not match for "xxx.xxx.xxx.xx"
Caused by: Net :: SSH :: HostKeyMismatch: fingerprint d1: 81: 65: 57: 08: 9f : c5: 5b does not match for "xxx.xxx.xxx.xx"
Tasks: TOP = > rvm: hook = > passenger: rvm: hook = > passenger: test_which_passenger (See full trace by running task with --trace)
As far as I understand, the access key does not match but it already generates and adds it back to the repository.
What I was able to diagnose is that this same server with the same ip address I just reinstalled because I was giving other problems. I tried changing the IP of this server and I made the deploy without problem, but the situation is that I have to necessarily use the ip that is giving me problems.