you will see I have a project in xamarin forms developed in visual studio 2017, the goal is to be multiplatform. For debugging and other tests I use an android mobile connected by cable to the PC, windows 10 for the UWP tests and a virtual machine with MAC for the execution of an iOS emulator and in this way see if the app works on iphone or ipad.
The next step is to generate the application to install and test it on external devices, for android and windows I have no problem, I generate the app for ad hoc distribution on android or the windows installer and everything without problems. The problem comes when I try to generate the .IPA file for installation on an ipad.
I do not know very well the steps to follow to generate that installer, in principle according to what I was seeing on the internet, I created the certificates on the development web of apple, I started with a production certificate, then I created the one of the application and the device with its guid and to end generate the distribution indicating the profile and the device. Once this is done, I go to visual studio and try to put it ad-hoc configuration which is what allows you to generate the .IPA file in the computer, and in theory all you need to do is compile (setting the ad-hoc configuration and device would put iphone in this case and not iphonesimulator), but it gives me different errors depending on the configuration I put. The most common of them all is the following:
Let's see if anyone knows anything else about this procedure for the generation of the installer for iOS.