I created a child theme in Wordpress and would like to modify a * .xml files that I have in the parent theme. How can I paste this type of files in the child theme to be able to make the modifications I need?
Greetings and thank you very much
I have been investigating and finally I do not see this XML file realated with the rest of the php files. I think the XML is generated as a data export file that I can then import into a theme.
Well, the reason for all this is because I need to change the front-page, since instead of the image that it takes from the wordpress gallery, I want this to be an embedded video. I am working with a child theme and checking with the web developer of Chrome, I see that the line of code that inserts the image is the following:
<img src="http://localhost/Cover/wp-
content/uploads/2018/01/Fondo_web_freepik.com_.jpg" alt="Fondo_web"
The problem is that I can not locate this code among the php files of the theme to be able to modify it. I used a software to search for text strings in files (TextCrawler) and I can not find it. Can you suggest a solution to this?
Greetings and thank you very much.