Reports in Asp With Crystal Report


Someone can help me. - I am creating the report design in Crystal Report itself that will be included in the ASP client application. - All the data to be loaded in the crystal report is obtained through a webservice that returns a Dataset. - This data I need to upload to the Crystal Report to be able to view them on the web. How can I do this data step?

asked by Jiskar 07.04.2018 в 02:04

1 answer


If you already have the data in a Dataset, I would do the following: 1. I would design the report based on the structure of this Dataset. 2. On the page where you want to show it:

InformeCrystal cr = new InformeCrystal();
cr.SetDataSource(datos);  //datos es el Dataset donde están los datos
crv.ReportSource=cr       //crv es el visor de cristal reports.

I hope you serve

answered by 07.04.2018 в 13:52