I'm doing a pretty simple program to learn some things from java and I have the following super class:
public abstract class Persona {
protected String nombre;
protected String apellido;
protected int edad;
public Persona(String nombre, String apellido, int edad) {
this.nombre = nombre;
this.apellido = apellido;
this.edad = edad;
public abstract void viajeDeEquipo();
public abstract void partidoDeFutbol();
later I have the SubClase:
public class Entrenador extends Persona{
private final String estrategia;
public Entrenador(String estrategia, String nombre, String apellido, int edad) {
super(nombre, apellido, edad);
this.estrategia = estrategia;
public void viajeDeEquipo(){
System.out.println("El entrenador prepara sus antoaciones de estrategias
y esta listo para viajar.");
public void partidoDeFutbol(){
System.out.println("El entrenador"
+apellido+" se sienta en el banquillo y esta listo para
public void planificarEntrenamiento(){
System.out.println("El entrenador "
+nombre+"revisa su estrategia: "+estrategia);
and in the main I made an array of type Person in which I store the subclasses in each position (there are other subclasses as footballer or doctor but have no relation to my problem):
static ArrayList<Persona> p1 = new ArrayList<Persona>();
public static void main(String[] args) {
Futbolista f1 = new Futbolista(10,"Mediocampista","Javier","Pastore",28);
Entrenador e1 = new Entrenador("Jugar al contraataque", "Marcelo", "Bielsa",62);
//el codigo sigue...
The problem is that I want through a menu to select certain action to be performed but trying to access the method of the subclass 'Trainer' of the arrayList does not recognize the methods of that class if not only those of the super class 'Person'.
case 1:
for (Persona pers : p1) {
//Siguen los cases...
//Aca es donde no me reconoce el metodo
case 4:
It is assumed that the arrayList in this position is of the Trainer type (I even verify it with the method 'getClass ()') but I can not access this method, I do not know what I will be doing wrong ...