Verify if a method was executed depending on the return value of another method


With xUnit and Moq verify if a method is executed depending on the return value of another method. Example:

public class A 
    public bool M1() { // return true or false ... }
    public void M2() { // Do something ..... }

public class B 
    private A objectA;

    public B(A a)
        objectA = a;

    public void Mb ()
        for(int i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
            if (!objectA.M1())

I want to verify something like this:

public void Test()
    // Arrange
    Mock<A> mockA = new Mock<A>();
    mockA.Setup(x => x.M1()).Return(true);
    mockA.Setup(x => x.M2());

    // Act
    B b = new B(mockA.object);

    // Assert
    mockA.Verify(m => m.M2(), """si M1 retorno true"""); // esto me resolveria si fuera posible algo como eso

Note that if M1 returns TRUE "n" times M2 would be executed exactly "n" times. Is it possible to do this with xUnit and Moq ??

asked by Guille 04.04.2018 в 21:53

1 answer


Someone helped me with the answer I was looking for and it is this:

public void Test()
    // Arrange
    Mock<A> mockA = new Mock<A>();
    int count = 0;
    mockA.Setup(x => x.M1()).Returns(true).Callback(() => { count++; });
    mockA.Setup(x => x.M2());

    // Act
    B b = new B(mockA.Object);

    // Assert
    mockA.Verify(m => m.M2(), Times.Exactly(count), "all exactly time that M1 returned false");
answered by 12.04.2018 / 15:11