if someone can help me ..
I am creating a database for an organizational structure of a company that has different levels, that is I have a main node from which more children hang and so on 6 levels. It's saying something like that ..
The organizational structure would be something like the left part of the image, and the right part represents the tables of how I am trying to create the structure
My question is whether the correct way is to create different tables and put them together by making primary and foreign keys. In addition, each table has the same attributes, code, name, and description, so I wonder if I would have to do a specialization, but if I did a specialization the children inherit the attributes and then the children would be related? I do not know if you can make the children in a specialization depend on each other, to represent the levels of the structure.
I have decided to start by creating the e-r diagram and when hanging from one another, are they not depending on the previous one? That is, should not they be weak entities? But if they were weak entities, at the third level we would have a weak entity of a weak entity and I think that this can not be done.
I do not know if I expressed myself well, if someone can give me a hand and give me an idea of how I would have to do the organizational database, I would appreciate it.
Thank you!