I have the following problem:
I'm doing a shopping cart, a task, I'm a novice in this Java Server Pages, and I have a Product class where I have a method that returns a List and invoke that method from a JSP called a catalog, see here:
public List<Object> ver() {
List<Object> p = new ArrayList<>();
Connection con;
Statement pred;
ResultSet rst;
String qry="SELECT * FROM productos";
try {
con = DriverManager.getConnection(bd.getUrl(), bd.getU(), bd.getP());
pred = con.createStatement();
rst = pred.executeQuery(qry);
//Contador para el indexado del array por cada objeto
int cont = 0;
while (rst.next()){
p.add(cont,new producto( rst.getInt("ID_PRODUCTO"),
}catch (Exception e){
return p;
Then I have a JSP called a catalog as I mentioned earlier that it has the following code:
producto prod = new producto();
List<Object> arrayprod = prod.ver();
int valor = arrayprod.size();
int id = (int) arrayprod.get(0);
String color = (String) arrayprod.get(1);
String size = (String) arrayprod.get(2);
String nombre = (String) arrayprod.get(3);
double precio = (double) arrayprod.get(4);
String imagen = (String) arrayprod.get(5);
int cont = 1;
for (int i = 0;i<=valor;i++){
while (i==6){
<div id="prod">
<img src="<%=imagen%>">
<input type="button" name="send" value="<%=id%>" onclick="agregar()">
if (cont==3){
The problem is that when the JSP is executed it sends me the following error:
HTTP Status 500 - Internal Server Error
Type Exception Report
Message An exception occurred processing JSP page [/catalogo.jsp] at line [16]
Description The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevents it from fulfilling the request.
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: An exception occurred processing JSP page [/catalogo.jsp] at line [16]
//Esto no es parte del error
13: producto prod = new producto();
14: List<Object> arrayprod = prod.ver();
15: int valor = arrayprod.size();
16: int id = (int) arrayprod.get(0);
17: String color = (String) arrayprod.get(1);
18: String size = (String) arrayprod.get(2);
19: String nombre = (String) arrayprod.get(3);
It says that on line 16 of my code there is something wrong, and I notice the Root Case that throws the error is the following line:
java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 0 out-of-bounds for length 0
It says that the index is outside the limit of length 0 (I can not interpret it well).
Note: The database is connected to the database and contains data.
So here I do not know what would be working or not, if it is my logic that is wrong or that, if someone can help me, I would greatly appreciate it.