I would like to ask about the logic of a database in mongoDB for an educational institution.
An educational institution has several entities such as: administrative staff, teachers, students, parents, subjects, grades, parallels, LEGAL YEAR, grades, record of behaviors, ETC, ETC, ETC ...
For this I want to design a database in Mongo, but I have a problem to control the school year, the problem is that I do not know how to control the closing of the school year or the opening of it.
To be more specific, I explain:
Ex. we enroll 30 students in the FIRST grade course in 2018, in this management will surely accumulate qualifications and everything that concerns the curriculum (educational management), that means that once the management passes there are many data in the mongoDB database of each one of the students of the 2018 management.
Now we start the year 2019, the students of the first degree now go to SECOND grade, how can I do in the database, so that these first students pass to second but with qualifications in blank ?, since it is supposed that their qualifications are for each different management.
Clarifying, what I mean is I do not know how to control the school year, when a school year is created it must be created with all the students of the past administration but with all their data blank (without duplicating student data) , the grades and other things will be added during the course of the year, in addition to the past administration several things happened, like failed students which in the following year should no longer appear in the upper course, retired students, etc.
When we close a school year, all the data of the institution should be inactivated, but only for that school year, this means that the students' grades and other things will be deactivated with respect to the past efforts but in this management must be active.
I need help with this logic.
I am grateful in advance
Thank you ..