Scalability Apps


I do not have much knowledge about servers and business models for apps. Develop an app that has at the moment 9 users these enter from the android app or the web.

I have a SSD VPS on and its features are:

  • 1 core to 2.4 Ghz
  • 2 GB of ram
  • 10GB of ssd
  • 100 Mbps - Unlimited traffic more info
  • The Back-end uses Mqtt, node.js and postgresql, it also stores photos and pdf of some reports.

    My question is if in the distant or near future I had more than 1 million clients, how would my app scale on the server?

    my doubts are:

  • You should use one server for the db, another for storing the photos and pdf and another for the back-end code as a balancer. (cluster)
  • I could use a cloud computed and assign ram, storage and cpu to get clients chords.

    If you have more recommendations and / or advice I would be grateful, also if you know of other providers that can supply with my app and my scalability problem I would appreciate it.

    asked by Julio Cesar Caicedo 01.04.2018 в 00:54

    1 answer


    I explain you the database servers are usually separated by default from the server of your app (they are two different computers), it is the default architecture if your server, at least if you are going to have millions of users as you qualify you should have better features in my opinion, although if you have a very, very good design of your server-side application, it may be of use to you (in short, I think that 15% is the probability that those characteristics will serve you) .

    You have to assume that if you have 1M of users at least 50% of those users should be connected simultaneously, you expect approximately 500K people, they are very low resources for a good app, your server will go very slow or it would end up collapsing.

    Knowing that you are currently starting, you should start with something of low resources then you can add additional features to your server (you can migrate it, change it from VPS, ETC.) to begin with, I think it's fine.

    I recommend that you see the hosting options that AZURE has good functionality relation | price.

    Well these are my considerations, I hope they serve you something.

    answered by 01.04.2018 в 03:51