I do not have much knowledge about servers and business models for apps. Develop an app that has at the moment 9 users these enter from the android app or the web.
I have a SSD VPS on ovh.com and its features are:
The Back-end uses Mqtt, node.js and postgresql, it also stores photos and pdf of some reports.
My question is if in the distant or near future I had more than 1 million clients, how would my app scale on the server?
my doubts are:
You should use one server for the db, another for storing the photos and pdf and another for the back-end code as a balancer. (cluster) I could use a cloud computed and assign ram, storage and cpu to get clients chords.
If you have more recommendations and / or advice I would be grateful, also if you know of other providers that can supply with my app and my scalability problem I would appreciate it.