I tried to add an icon to a scene on the right side and it is not shown, someone could say how to add it.
<Router hideNavBar titleStyle={styles.textNav} navigationBarStyle={styles.navBarStyle} tintColor="white">
<Scene key="root" tabStyle={{backgroundColor: '#1A237E'}}>
<Scene key="cargando" component={Cargando} hideNavBar initial />
<Scene key="login" component={Login} title="INICIE SESION" left={() =>null} />
<Scene key="principal" component={Principal} title="HOME" left={() =>null} />
<Scene key="acta" component={Acta} title="Acta Diputados" rightButtonImage={ <Icon name="delete" />} onRight={() => {}} icon={<Icon name="delete" />} renderRightButton={<Icon name="delete" />} />