How to use MBDootstrap Angular Scroll animation?


State doing practices with MDBootstrap for angular . (Installed since npm ).

In their documentation they have tutorials on how to use css animations.

Try the animations and all good, the problem is when I try to implement the animations with Scroll, which you should use the class .wow and add the corresponding script (which I do not know if I'm really adding the right one), someone Do you know how to implement it?

Example: In my app.component I have a <h1> with the class wow and the animation effect fadeInUp

> <h1 class="py-5 font-weight-bold wow fadeInUp">Why is it so great?</h1>

then in my index.html, before the closing of the label </body> I have the script:

wow = new WOW({
    boxClass: 'wow', // default
    animateClass: 'animated', // default
    offset: 0, // default
    mobile: true, // default
    live: true // default
asked by Emanuel Torres 02.05.2018 в 17:37

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