The injected error callback of 'share' received: "Class not found" with cordova sharing


This error message is coming out by clicking the "The injected error callback of 'share' button received:" Class not found ""

already install the plugin "cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-x-socialsharing" in my cordova project

this is the js

var codigo =$("#pass").val();

function share(codigo){   
  window.plugins.socialsharing.share('Test Share', null, null, 'http://link');

and this the html

    <div class="item item-text-wrap">          
             <label style="font-size: 17;">compartir: </label> 
               <a id="sharew"><i class="mdi-social-share" style="font-size: 55;"></i></a>      

happens with all types of "socialsharing."

and so it is seen within social sharing

  SocialSharing.prototype.share = function  (message, subject,       fileOrFileArray, url, successCallback, errorCallback) {
    cordova.exec(successCallback, this._getErrorCallback(errorCallback, "share"), "SocialSharing", "share", [message, subject, this._asArray(fileOrFileArray),       url]);
asked by Billy Nieto 03.04.2018 в 21:33

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