I wanted to know how I can open the LiteDB database with the shared mode application so I can see the changes with a PC?
var localFolder = Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder;
var folderPath = localFolder.Path;
var filePath = Path.Combine(folderPath, DBName);
ConnectionString ConnectionString_DB = new ConnectionString();
ConnectionString_DB.Filename = filePath;
ConnectionString_DB.Async = true;
ConnectionString_DB.Mode = LiteDB.FileMode.Exclusive;
//Global_DB = new LiteDatabase(filePath);
Global_DB = new LiteDatabase(ConnectionString_DB);
LineasReporteDB = Global_DB.GetCollection<LineaReporte>("LineasReporte");//prepara la coleccion para las lineas
This example is done in UWP and what I want to do is to be able to open the database file with the program on the PC in read only, but the file looks like this! on the LiteDB page it says that I can talk about it in Shared mode but this possibility is not available.