Does not delete the record in my BD that I select


This is my query module, where I have the options to modify and delete , the problem I have is that when I click on the delete button only the message of the script "REGISTRATION ELIMINATED "But it does not really delete the data from my BD.

Thanks / Regards.


				$sql=("SELECT * FROM ctg_turno");
                //la variable  $mysqli viene de connect_db que lo traigo con el require("connect_db.php");

				echo "<table border='1'; class='table table-hover';>";
					echo "<tr class='warning'>";
					    echo "<td>ID</td>";
						echo "<td>Turno</td>";
						echo "<td>Horas por Jornada</td>";
						echo "<td>Actualizar</td>";
						echo "<td>Eliminar</td>";
					      echo "</tr>";

				  	echo "<tr class='success'>";
				    	echo "<td>$arreglo[0]</td>";
					echo "<td>$arreglo[1]</td>";
				    	echo "<td>$arreglo[2]</td>";
                        echo "<td><a href='actualizar_turno.php?idctg_turno=$arreglo[0]'><img src='images/actualizar.gif' class='img-rounded'></td>";
		        echo "<td><a href='turno_edit.php?idctg_turno=$arreglo[0]'><img src='images/eliminar.png' class='img-rounded'/></a></td>";

					echo "</tr>";

				echo "</table>";
						$sqlborrar="DELETE FROM ctg_turno WHERE idctg_turno=$idctg_turno";
						echo '<script>alert("REGISTRO ELIMINADO")</script> ';				
						echo "<script>location.href='turno_edit.php'</script>";

asked by Carlos 23.03.2018 в 22:36

1 answer


The function you are using, mysqli_query , returns FALSE in the event of a statement error. do not you control this, and on the other hand you print $ sqlborrar on screen?

You can also print the latest mysqli error if it helps you out.

At first glance, I do not see the problem (mainly because you say that the alert comes up, so it's running), to see if my advice will help you.

answered by 23.03.2018 / 22:49