I have an error when uploading data to the database


I have a problem when uploading the data, when I register it, it sends me the message that "supposedly" the function execute () returned "true", but when I check my db, nothing of the data appears.

I'm using PDO and so I have the codes: controller.php (the one that receives the form data)


class MvcController {
    public function Template () {
        include 'Views/Templated/template.php';

    public function NavPageLoginController(){
        if (isset($_GET['nav'])){
            $link = $_GET['nav'];
        } else {
            $link = "Login";

        $request = NavPageLogin::LinkPageLogin($link);
        include $request;

    public function NavPageController() {
        if (isset($_GET['nav'])) {
            $link = $_GET['nav'];
        } else {
            $link = "Home";
        $request = NavPage::LinkPage($link);
        include $request;

    public function RegisterUserController(){
        if (isset($_POST['ci'])) {
            $date = 0;
            $access = 0;
            $Data = array("name" => $_POST['name'], 
                          "surname" => $_POST['surname'],
                          "email" => $_POST['email'],
                          "password" => $_POST['password'],
                          "year" => $_POST['year'],
                          "ci" => $_POST['ci'],
                          "country" => $_POST['country'],
                          "photo" => $_FILES['photoprofile'],
                          "date" => $date,
                          "access" => $access);

            $request = Data::RegisterUserModel($Data, "users");
            if ($request == "success") {
                echo "Listo";


CRUD.php (the one that handles queries and send them back to the Controller)

    <?php require 'Models/CORE.php';

class Data extends Connection {
    public function RegisterUserModel($data, $table){
        if ($data['photo']){
                global $dirupload;
                global $rupload;
                $ci = $data['ci'];
                $dirupload = "photoprofile/$ci/";

                $photo = $data['photo'];
                $namephoto = $photo['name'];
                $nameTmp = $photo['tmp_name'];
                $rupload = "{$dirupload}profile.jpg";
                $extArchive = preg_replace( '/image\//', '', $photo['type'] );

                if( $extArchive == 'jpeg' || $extArchive == 'png') {

                    if( !file_exists( $dirupload ) ) {
                        mkdir( $dirupload, 775, true );

                    if( move_uploaded_file( $nameTmp, $rupload ) ) {
                        return true;
                    } else {
                        return false;

                } else {
                    $photoinvalid = true;
        $stmt = Connection::Connect()->prepare("INSERT INTO $table(name, surname, email, pass, ci, year, country, rupload) VALUES (:name,:surname,:email,:password,:year,:ci,:country,:photo)");

        $stmt->bindParam(':name', $data['name'], PDO::PARAM_STR);
        $stmt->bindParam(':surname', $data['surname'], PDO::PARAM_STR);
        $stmt->bindParam(':email', $data['email'], PDO::PARAM_STR);
        $stmt->bindParam(':password', $data['password'], PDO::PARAM_STR);
        $stmt->bindParam(':year', $data['year'], PDO::PARAM_INT);
        $stmt->bindParam(':ci', $data['ci'], PDO::PARAM_INT);
        $stmt->bindParam(':country', $data['country'], PDO::PARAM_STR);
        $stmt->bindParam(':photo', $rupload, PDO::PARAM_LOB);

        if ($stmt->execute()) {
            return "success";
        } else {
            return "error";


The weirdest thing is that if I change the word "success" for any other word, I continue to press the word "Ready" which is what confuses me. Thanks in advance

asked by Daniel Parra 21.03.2018 в 20:54

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