Bug in Sublime Text Ctrl + Z and Ctrl + S


My problem is that when I give ctrl + Z , I tabulate the whole file, and when I give it again it takes it away from me. Sometimes the same thing happens to me with CTRL + S ...

In the Bindings keys I have:

{"keys": ["ctrl + z"], "command": "undo"},

{"keys": ["ctrl + s"], "command": "save"},

I do not understand it, surely it is a package that is giving me conflict Emmet, TypeScript ..

And in the Edit tab I sometimes see "Undo Emacs Tabstop to Spaces Ctrl + Z " ..

If someone can help me ..

Greetings and thanks in advance

asked by TaGy 22.03.2018 в 12:28

1 answer


Fixed, I had installed the Emacs Tabstops package. It's what was giving me problems.


answered by 25.03.2018 в 20:53