I am downloading a database which has state, municipality and parish fields and each of them has a unique code when making the query to the database I get the code as follows: code_status = 01, comunidad_code = 01 but when the csv is generated these codes are eliminated 0, when they are opened with excel or with calc.
this is the function that the csv generates
function generarCsv($mayor5){
$lista = array();
foreach ($mayor5 as $cp) {
foreach ($cp as $titulo => $value) {
array_push($lista, $titulo);
header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream');
header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: Binary");
header("Content-disposition: attachment; filename=\"Base de Datos.csv\"");
//preparar el wrapper de salida
$outputBuffer = fopen("php://output", 'w');
//volcamos el contenido del array en formato csv
fputcsv($outputBuffer,$lista, ';');
foreach($mayor5 as $codigo_persona => $data) {
foreach ($data as $i => $valor) {
$data[$i] = utf8_decode($valor);
fputcsv($outputBuffer,$data, ';');
//cerramos el wrapper
This is the arrangement as it comes from the database the fields in bold are the ones that when generating the file
[fecha_registro] => 2018-03-13 14:39:23.51861
[codigo_origen] => 1
[origen] => Plan Vulnerabilidad
[codigo_persona] => PER0106
**[cedula_ubicacion] => 0101020010000003**
**[codigo_estado] => 01**
**[codigo_municipio] => 01**
[nombre_municipio] => LIBERTADOR
**[codigo_parroquia] => 02**
[nombre_parroquia] => ANTIMANO
**[codigo_sector] => 001**
[nombre_sector] => EL SIFON
[nombres_apellidos] => NOEMI AGUIRRE
[cedula] => 2
[fecha_nacimiento] => 1950-11-10
[edad] => 67
[meses] => 4
[dias] => 3
[codigo_genero] => 2
[embarazo] => 1
[cbi] => 200
[peso] => 54.3
[talla] => 1.55
[codigo_descripcion_situacion] => 1'
I use the php fputcsv function. How could I solve this case?