I have the following code.
read = fiona.open(r"\pre\data\PLANTA\URBANA.shp")
for feat in read:
corPoligono = feat['geometry']['coordinates']
poligonoType = feat['geometry']['type']
idCapaOrigen = feat['id']
These 3 data that I get from the shape are inserted in a table, the problem happens that if the process for some reason stops when I return to process in the for I return to process the data that are already inserted in the base.
The question is, you can filter in the for or some other method the data already inserted in the table, you could use the field idCapaOrigen that is unique.
My doubt arises since I would like to avoid reading the data again and that the work does MSSQL with a NOT IN or a NOT EXIST since the shape contains an amount huge data and read again the already processed is a never ending.
I hope you understand the question.