Well that's a figure and if I select it it is painted red and if I want to mark many more and then save it to a mysql database. please help I have to do it with JSON
var fig_a1 = new fabric.Path('M 78 72 L 40 45 C 39 22 160 21 162 44 L 123 72 C 125 64 81 60 78 72 Z');
fig_a1.set({scaleX:nEscala , scaleY:nEscala, fill: 'rgb(237, 247, 250)' });
elegido_a1 = false;
if (elegido_a1 == false){
fig_a1.set({fill: 'rgb(240,0,0)'});
elegido_a1 = true;
fig_a1.set({fill: 'rgb(200,200,200)'});
elegido_a1 = false;
Attempt ..:
[![var texto = {
var tjson = JSON.stringify(texto);
window.location="demo_json.php?x=" + tjson;][1]][1]