I ask for help, with this code that has been spinning around me for a while:
def Liquidarnomina():
cur = conn.cursor(cursor_factory=RealDictCursor)
cur.execute(""" select distinct id_Emp, (nombre1Emp||' '||nombre2Emp||' '||apell1Emp||' '||apell2Emp) as nombre, numdocEmp, sbmEmp,
from empleado, novedad_nomina
where numdocEmp=empleado.numdocEmp
group by id_emp, nombre, numdocEmp, sbmEmp, hod, hon""")
liqnom = [cur.fetchall()]
for row in liqnom :
print(tabulate(row, headers="keys", tablefmt='fancy_grid', stralign='left'))
#return sbm_ln
#print(sbm_ln )
print("la liquidacion ha sido Agregada!!!")
│ id_novnom │ periodo_novedad │ num_pernov │ nom_pernov │ numdocempnov │ hod │ hon │ hed │ hen │ hofd │ hofn │ hefd │ hefn │ diastmes │ diasincapmes │ diasvacmes │ desc_prestnom │ otros_descnom │
│ 1 │ 201801 │ 1 │ PRIMERA QUINCENA DE ENERO DE 2018 │ 1035225250 │ 240 │ 2 │ 1 │ 5 │ 2 │ 1 │ 25 │ 12 │ 30 │ 4 │ $5.00 │ $25,000.00 │ $15,000.00 │
│ 2 │ 201802 │ 1 │ PRIMERA QUINCENA DE ENERO DE 2018 │ 1029230415 │ 240 │ 5 │ 5 │ 5 │ 5 │ 5 │ 5 │ 5 │ 30 │ 6 │ $2.00 │ $2,000.00 │ $3,000.00 │
up here, all right, but when I try to add another column as (hon) duplicate the records of the query
cur.execute(""" select distinct id_Emp, (nombre1Emp||' '||nombre2Emp||' '||apell1Emp||' '||apell2Emp) as nombre, numdocEmp, sbmEmp,
hod, hon.....
│ id_emp │ nombre │ numdocemp │ sbmemp │ hod │ hon │
│ 2 │ PEDRO LUIS ALBARRACIN MENA │ 1035225250 │ $950,000.00 │ 240 │ 2 │
│ 2 │ PEDRO LUIS ALBARRACIN MENA │ 1035225250 │ $950,000.00 │ 240 │ 5 │
│ 3 │ JULIA MARIA MENA PALACIO │ 1029230415 │ $975,000.00 │ 240 │ 2 │
│ 3 │ JULIA MARIA MENA PALACIO │ 1029230415 │ $975,000.00 │ 240 │ 5 │
the query is about two tables (employee, new_nomin) that have many more records, I can not overcome this doubt, I do not know what I lack thanks, thanks.