Could you help me find the error in this string, I'm using Visual Basic
INSERT INTO PRODUCTOS (CodigoProducto,Nombre,Compra,Venta,Stok,Fecha,Impuesto,idCategoria,idProveedor)
VALUES (" & ID & ",' " & nombre & " ',' " & Compra & " ',' " & Venta & " ',' " & Stok & " ',' " & Fecha & " ', " & Impuesto & ",' " & Categoria & " ',' " & Proveedor & " ')
In the Date section I get this error: conversion failed when converting character string to smalldatetime data type in sql server
My table is as follows:
varchar Product Code (12)
Name varchar (50)
Buy money
Money Sale
Stok int
Date smalldatetime
Tax float
idCategoria int
idProvider int