I am building a filter for a project, one of the filters is filled with this arrangement:
this.grupoHorario = ['Todos', 'Madrugada', 'Mañana', 'Tarde', 'Noche'];
When the user selects Tomorrow the route that the console shows me is the following:
link Ma% C3% B1ana
Some solution so that the filter option continues to leave Tomorrow but the URL does not code the special character.
This would be a good solution but I can not find the way.
link Manana
<label>Grupo horario:</label>
<div class="form-group">
<ng-select [allowClear]="true" [items]="grupoHorario"
(selected)="seleccionarGrupoHorario($event)" placeholder="Seleccione">
Funcion seleccionarGrupoHorario()
seleccionarGrupoHorario(valor: any): void {
this.valorGrupoHorario= valor;
Then it is saved in the localStorage
this.myLocalStorageService.setItem(Items.GRUPO_HORARIO, this.valorGrupoHorario);
And then the URL is built by calling elements from the localStorage
let grupoHorario= this.myLocalStorageService.getItem(Items.GRUPO_HORARIO);
let globalUrl = "?fechaInicio=" + fechaInicio + "&fechaFin=" + fechaFn + "&grupoHorario=" + grupoHorario