I have the following query
@NamedQuery(name = "findRegistroAccesoByNuserid", query = "select myRegistroAcceso from RegistroAcceso myRegistroAcceso where myRegistroAcceso.nuserid = ?1 and TO_CHAR(myRegistroAcceso.fecRegistroEntrada, 'dd/MM/yyyy') = ?2")
that returns records according to a date and an id that happened as a parameter for filtering, that query was passed to a list
listRegistroAcceso = registroAccesoService.findRegistroAccesoByNuserid(cvePersona, strFecha);
for (RegistroAcceso registroAcceso1 : listRegistroAcceso) {
horaEntradaBiometrico = registroAcceso1.getFecRegistroEntrada();
System.out.println("PRUEBA ENTRADA" +registroAcceso1.getFecRegistroEntrada());
There is a field called fecRegistroEntrada, that I want to extract from that list and it paints me the following in console
PRUEBA ENTRADA2015-03-06 14:05:50.0
PRUEBA ENTRADA2015-03-06 14:05:54.0
PRUEBA ENTRADA2015-03-06 14:05:58.0
Now I just need to paint on a table the first record that paints which is the "PROOF ENTRADA2015-03-06 14: 05: 50.0" and the last "PROOF ENTRADA2015-03-06 14: 05: 58.0" that is to say to extract the min and the max one could say, I made a variable called Entering HourBiometrics, but when it comes to painting it in the table it takes the last value How can I get those two dates and be able to show them?