Hi, I want to do an inner join with a left join to join the data I need from several tables, the normal query works for me, but when I pass it to the doctrine format I do not know how to accommodate the syntax
c.update_at,r.'name' as state, ra.carrier_id as carry
city c
inner JOIN
region r on (c.'region_id' = r.id)
left JOIN
rate ra on (c.id = ra.destination_id)
c.id ASC
with doctrine
$qb = $em->createQueryBuilder()
->select('c.id,c.name,c.status,c.createdAt,c.updateAt,r.name as state,ra.carrier as carry')
->innerJoin('AppBundle:region', 'r')
->leftJoin('AppBundle:rate','ra', Expr\Join::ON,'c.id = ra.destination')
->where('c.region = r.id')
->orderBy('c.'.$fiel, $dir);
if(isset($search['value']) && !empty($search['value'])){
$qb->where("c.id like '{$search['value']}' or c.name like '%{$search['value']}%' ");
In symfony the error appears [Syntax Error] line 0, col 144: Error: Expected Literal, got 'JOIN'
thanks for your attention