Hello I'm starting in wordpress and I'm having a question about how to deal with a project that I'm dealing with, it turns out that I have to put together a section of products where I have two types of products and within them there are categories of this product to which income, The issue is that once I enter these categories would have as a kind of subcategory of that line.
As an example I would see it like this, suppose I have Adobe + Corel as Product and Adobe would have Photoshop, Illustrator etc as a category and within them a plugin list for that respective program.
It would be a page for the Program (Adobe) where it shows the categories (photoshop, in design, illustrator, etc), a page with Plugin list of that particular program and also a page of the characters of that plugin.
Now my question is how can I approach the arming of the theme in wordpress? I use a general post type? use several post type?
I hope you can understand my concern, thank you!
HTML copy of the site that I am about to build by which this inconvenience or doubt arises link