error when compiling with ' Failed to execute aapt'


I created a new project (thinking I screwed up with the previous one), but the same thing happens to me, I compile and this error appears:


: app: splitsDiscoveryTaskDebug UP-TO-DATE   : app: processDebugResources   C: \ Users \ jogv6.gradle \ caches \ transforms-1 \ files-1.1 \ support-compat-28.0.0-alpha1.aar   \ 353ea5eaf1d6f523ca6deacaf364cf17 \ res \ values \ values.xml: 20: 5-70: AAPT: error: resourc   e android: attr / fontVariationSettings not found.


C: \ Users \ jogv6.gradle \ caches \ transforms-1 \ files-1.1 \ support-compat-28.0.0-alpha1.aar   \ 353ea5eaf1d6f523ca6deacaf364cf17 \ res \ values \ values.xml: 20: 5-70: AAPT: error: resourc   e android: attr / ttcIndex not found.


C: \ development-xrnd \ nodejs \ ktp \ platforms \ android \ app \ build \ intermediates \ incremental \ m   ergeDebugResources \ merged.dir \ values \ values.xml: 141: error: resource android: attr / fon   tVariationSettings not found.   C: \ development-xrnd \ nodejs \ ktp \ platforms \ android \ app \ build \ intermediates \ incremental \ m   ergeDebugResources \ merged.dir \ values \ values.xml: 141: error: resource android: attr / ttc   Index not found.   error: failed linking references.

I do not know how to move forward. It seems like a compatibility error, but I can not see it.

asked by dbZap 10.03.2018 в 13:52

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