How to send POST data to a server. in kotlin


My question is how can I send certain parameters that have to go back to the server if the event is done on


val store_id = 5463       val option = playsong       val play_now = true       val song_id = 163309


These are data that I have to return if the event is done on click and I have to do it by POST and JSON method. It should be noted that the data I receive comes from the same server and I visualize it in a recyclerview

    class VolleySingleton : Application(){
        override fun onCreate() {
            instance = this
        val requestQueue: RequestQueue? = null
            get() {
                if (field == null){
                    return Volley.newRequestQueue(applicationContext)
                return field

        fun <T> addToRequestQueue(request: Request<T>) {
            request.tag = TAG

        companion object {
            private val TAG =
            var instance: VolleySingleton? = null


this is what I have been without success

asked by Francisco Navarrete 27.03.2018 в 02:20

1 answer

  try {
      "", listOf("option" to "playsong", "store_id" to "1",  "play_now" to "true", "song_id" to developersList.song_id)).responseJson { request, response, result ->
                    val Bazinga = result.get().content

                    Log.e(TAG, "MENSAJE:  " + Bazinga)
            } catch (e: Exception) {
                val Bazilon = e.message
                Log.i(TAG,"ERROR:  " + Bazilon)

This is the answer

answered by 28.03.2018 в 22:15