I have the following problem, in my form when doing UPDATE it does not save the new values, it keeps those that have already been loaded in the text boxes, any idea of why it happens?
I'm working on ASP.NET with VB
Dim con As New MySqlConnection
Dim cmd As New MySqlCommand
Dim sql As String
sql = "Update tbl_registros SET n1=" & n1 & ",n2=" & n2 & ",n3=" & n3 & ",n4=" & n4 & ",apellido_paterno='" & apaterno & "',apellido_materno='" & amaterno & "'," & vbCrLf &
"nombre='" & nombre & "',edad=" & edad & ",calle='" & calle & "',numero=" & numero & ",colonia='" & colonia & "',seccion=" & seccion & ",telefono='" & telefono & "',celular='" & celular & "',facebook='" & red_social & "',email='" & email & "'" & vbCrLf &
"Where id=" & id
con.ConnectionString = "Server=localhost;Database=bd_votacion; Uid=root;Pwd='';"
cmd.Connection = con
cmd.CommandText = sql
function "update" with the values of the parameters:
update (id, txtn1.Text, txtn2.Text, txtn3.Text, txtn4.Text, txtApaterno.Text, txtamaterno.Text, txtNombre.Text, txtedad.Text, txtcalle.Text, txtnumero.Text, txtcolonia.Text , txtseccion.Text, txttelefono.Text, txtcelular.Text, txtredsocial.Value, txtemail.Text)