How to return an Ajax response to my view from a controller in Zend Framework 1?


I tell you, I'm trying to return a data to my personal search, what I do is make an ajax call to the server, specifically to the action maintenance / validate registration, this data is shown in a console.log (response), just to test , but when the call returns to me instead of painting me the answer data paints me the html. Why is the answer not shown if I am using an echo in my php driver ?. I need help!
This is my Javascript code:

    $('#nrodoc').on('keyup', function(event){
        if($(this).attr('value').length == 8){
                data: {dni: $('#nrodoc').attr('value')},
                type: 'POST',
                success: function(response){ 
                    openDialogWarning('El dni no es valido! ', 380, 150);                       
                error: function(xhr, status, error){
                    console.log('Disculpe, ocurrió un problema, Error: '+ error + ', Estado: ' +xhr.status)
                complete: function(xhr, status){
                    console.log('Petición realizada')

and my PHP code is:

public function validarregistroAction() {
if ($this->getRequest()->isXmlHttpRequest()) {
        $url = $this->view->util()->getPath();
            $dni = $this->_getParam('dni');
            echo "Hello";
asked by Luis De La Peña 09.03.2018 в 21:09

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